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   ALL COMMUNICATION CONCERNING TUITION OR A STUDENTS CLASSES IS TO GO THROUGH THE OFFICE                                                                               ONLY - ATTN:  APRIL CUSH...814-594-7811

                                                                              OR ASOD5678DANCE@GMAIL.COM


 Registration:  A $10 non-refundable registration fee is required of all students registering for the new 2024/25 dance season. Tiny Tot and adult sessions, do not need to pay this fee. Students will have the opportunity for 31 classes of instruction, and additional rehearsal classes.   Classes are from September until end of May with the goal of show/rehearsals in June.  Not all months will have the same amount of lessons due to holidays and cancellations.  Cancellation days are allotted for the dance year and if they are not needed, will be used at the studio's discretion.


Payments:  If paying in 8 payments, payment is due the first of each month, Sept to April (there will be no payment in May).  Monthly payments are due the first of every month.  If paying for the full year with a discount, payment due by Sept 30th. If you miss the Sept 30th date, then you've missed the discount.   All other forms of payment due before the lesson.  Payments can be mailed to: 644 Kemmer Road, Kersey, PA  15846, or put in the studio payment box.  There is a black mailbox, inside, on each end of the studio, downstairs.  Do not put payments in the outside mailbox on Erie Ave.  Payments should have students name on the check, or envelope...this is very important.  Do not give payments to teachers.  Payments not received the first of the month will be charged a $10 late fee.  If you need to see someone concerning tuition, an appointment can be set up to take care of your needs, by texting April.  If paying cash, it is your responsibility to ask for a receipt.  If there is a question of missing payments and you do not have a receipt showing proof of payment, the studio will not recognize that payment...GET A RECEIPT 


Tuition not kept in good standing may result in a students dismissal, so a paying customer can take their spot in class.  Keep in mind this is not a hobby, but a business, and there are multiple expenses that need to be paid to run it.


Students who do not follow through with the full dance season,

will not be refunded, nor can tuition be transferred to another

family member or student, nor will credit be issued. 

If unsure a student will not commit to finishing

out the year, it is recommended you choose the individual class

payment option of $12 a class.  If the studio cannot fulfill its

ability to finish holding classes for the year,

a pro-rated refund will be given.




*Individual Class - $12 a class per class

*Monthly-EIGHT PAYMENTS (this is a discounted fee for students taking a full dance season) due 1st of each month September-April.  If you are paying by the month, which is a discounted fee, and you quit, you are obligated to pay the $12 per class fee.

This is for student's committed for the full year...if you cannot commit to the full season, then student should pay by the individual class.  Payment is due by the 1st of each month, whether there are two classes a month, or five. 



*Payment in Full -  BEST DISCOUNT...NO REFUND 1st payment due Sept 1st,

balance for the year due Sept 30, 2024.  Payments not received by

Sept 30, are not eligible to receive the discount.


NSF CHECKS will have a $30 fee from the studio - only cash or money order will be accepted as payment for NSF checks.


  Fees are for students and immediate family members.  Example:  Two siblings each taking one subject would pay the fee for two subjects.  Once a student graduates from high school they are considered an individual adult and is not eligible for the family discount.  The children of persons living together cannot be considered for a family discount. 



                    Monthly - due 1st of month Sept-April                            Full payment for the year by Sept 30th 

                    One Subject..........$40                                                         $305     Savings of $15

                    Two Subject..........$74                                                         $563                         $29

                    Three Subject.......$101                                                       $768                         $40

                    Four Subject.........$126                                                       $958                         $50

                    Five Subject..........$151                                                       $1148                       $60

                    Six Subject............$176                                                       $1338                       $70

                    Seven Subject.......$201                                                       $1,528                      $80

                    Eight Subject........$226                                                       $1,718                      $90

                    Nine Subject.........$251                                                       $1,908                      $100

                    Ten Subject...........$276                                                       $2098                       $110

Each class added after the 10th class is an additional $25 per payment...payment in full savings is $10 per class


*Students starting in OCT, add an additional $6 per payment/per subject

*Students starting after OCT, add an   additional $7 per payment/per subject

*Students starting in January or later, $12 per class, per subject

*Students starting in 2025 are not eligible for the annual show


* ADULT CLASSES, are $80 a session (no registration fee)  payment in full at registration


* TINY TOT  are $60 a session ( no registration fee) payment in full at registration



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