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Rules & Regulations

Mandatory Dancewear: 

Mandatory dancewear consists of leotard / tights at all classes and solid black leotard, for rehearsals.  No two-piece outfits, no front zipped leotards, no shirt tops are to be worn over leotards (exception is adults).  Dance shorts (form fitting) are allowed, and tight sweaters may be worn (not over sized).  Boys are to wear t-shirts over shorts or stretch pants.  Any student not properly dressed will not be allowed to participate in class, but may observe.

Proper Shoes:

Proper shoes must be obtained within one month of registration.  When participating in studio performances, students must have on studio colors for shoes.  Color for ballet is classic pink (note there are different shades of pink,  ballet shoes are to be obtained through the studio.   These are a nice ballet shoe for a beginner/younger student.  They go on very easy, unlike those that have a drawstring.  If the shade you have is not the correct shade and you are participating in the show, you will need to get the correct color), tap and jazz are dark tan, musical theatre and stretch/turns/jumps are dark tan jazz shoes, hip hop is black hip hop sneakers, and contemporary is bare feet.  Acro students, any color in class.  Students participating in the annual show will need to see in the COSTUME BOOK at the studio, to see what specific colored shoes will be for acrobatics.

 Certain dances in the show could require a different color.  This will be determined when show info is given out.

Hair & Jewelry:

Hair is to be pulled back and out of the student’s face, preferably in a bun.  Acro students with long hair may be better with pig tails that are clipped up.    Jewelry is not to be worn other than small earrings during dance class.

Parents / Visitors:

Visitors need to make an appointment with the studio to observe a class.  Only students are to be in the studio during class time.  Unless someone is given special permission, no one is allowed to wait for students inside the studio.


No chewing gum, candy, food or drinks (with the exception of water) are allowed in the classroom.  Please don’t send water to class with Tiny Tots, Pre-Dance or students.


Notices concerning dance will be posted outside the classroom throughout the year.  They will also be posted on the studio web-site,  Click on to the notices link to view.




Cancellations due to weather, illness or any other unforeseen event will be put on the studio web-site (home page) and the studios face book.  Decision for cancellation due to inclement weather is made between 1:00pm and 2:00pm.  Please look on the studio web-site first, instead of calling or texting to find out.



Students should arrive five minutes before the start of their class and be ready to dance at the start of class time.  Parents should pick them up immediately following the conclusion of their class.  April School of Dance teachers and associates are not responsible for students once they leave the classroom.  If a student cannot be picked up at the end of class, please let the teacher know so that the child can wait with a dance school associate until they can be safely taken home.  It is asked that your child waits to be picked up from inside the studio and not wait on the street.


Students unable to dance due to injury need a note signed by a parent or guardian giving them permission to observe class.  Anyone not feeling well should not attend class, or be in the studio.  If a student is not well, for any reason, they will not be allowed in the classroom.  If a student gets sick during class time, parent/guardian will be contacted to come pick them up.  If a student is unable to dance, due to injury, or surgery, but can watch class and take notes, that is acceptable.


Cell Phones:

Students are not permitted to have cell phones in the classrooms, or watches.  It's considered jewelry, and I'm finding the students that have the watches with cell phone capabilities, are easily distracted in class.


Dance Floors:

Dance floors are to not have street shoes on them.  If you need to go into a room, you need to take your shoes off.  Do not cross through dance rooms to get to the other side of the building while classes are going on; this is a disruption of classes.  You will need to walk or drive around if you need to get to the other side once classes have started.  This also includes parents that come into the dance rooms to watch their child performing their solo or duet/trio dances.


​If you have a question concerning tuition, or a student's class, contact April Cush..


​Parking in the CNB bank parking lot is prohibited during any time.

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